Frequently Asked Questions
What is the GyroBall Academy?
We are is a start-up company that is dedicated to promoting the benefits of using gyro balls to improve proprioception and overall body performance. Our mission is to educate and empower individuals to harness the full potential of the gyro ball, with an emphasis on safety and proper technique.
What is the GyroBall Academy - Master a Gyroball?
Master a Gyroball is an online course that is specifically designed to teach you how to effectively use a gyro ball to improve strength, proprioception, and performance in the upper body. Our unique methodology focuses on utilizing the energy generated by the gyro ball to target multiple muscle groups beyond just the forearms and wrists, such as the shoulders, trapezius, and scapular muscles.
What sets the GyroBall Academy apart from other gyro ball resources on the internet?
The GyroBall Academy is the only organization that teaches the technique of displacing the energy generated by the gyro ball to other muscle groups in the arms and trunk. This results in increased strength, awareness, confidence, and improved body posture. Additionally, our cost-benefit ratio and safe training methods set us apart from other gyro ball resources.
How can I increase proprioception and performance with a Gyroball?
There are several ways to increase proprioception and performance with a Gyroball. One way is to engage in regular training using the device, focusing on proper form and technique. Additionally, incorporating exercises that target specific muscle groups and areas of the body can also help to improve proprioception and performance.
What do I need to do before starting the training?
Before start, it is important to make sure that your overall health is good. Gyroball training can exacerbate pre-existing injuries, so it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.
Is a gyro ball appropriate for individuals with injuries?
The GyroBall Academy recommends consulting with a healthcare professional if you are currently undergoing treatment or rehabilitation. Our training methods have been shown to be effective in increasing strength and proprioception, as demonstrated in academic studies and the personal experience of our founder. However, it's important to understand that each case is different and a healthcare professional can provide guidance.
What studies support the benefits of using a gyro ball?
There is currently a lack of standardized methods in gyro ball training, making it difficult to collect data.
However, several studies have been conducted that demonstrate the benefits of using a gyro ball. The GyroBall Academy is actively contributing to ongoing research by developing and implementing a standardized methodology for training and evaluation with the use of Gyroballs, to further understand and demonstrate the benefits of increasing proprioception and performance.
So, here are some studies about gyro ball´s beneficts:
Babaei-Mobarakeh, M., Letafatkar, A., Barati, A.H., Khosrokiani, Z., Effects of eight-week “gyroscopic device” mediated resistance training exercise on participants with impingement syndrome or tennis elbow, Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies (2018): 10.1016/j.jbmt.2017.12.002
Landman, D. M., Maree, J. H., & Peterson, C. (2020). The effect of the (*) gyroscope as a treatment device for nonspecific wrist pain. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 43(5), 483–489. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmpt.2019.11.002
Lim, J.-H., & Shin, W.-S. (2016). Effects of vibration resistance exercise on strength, range of motion, function, pain and quality of life in persons with tennis elbow. Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science, 5(4), 163–169. https://doi.org/10.14474/ptrs.2016.5.4.163
Oksuz, C., Oskay, D., & Huri, G. (2017). Proprioception after hand and wrist injury, surgery, and Rehabilitation. Proprioception in Orthopedics, Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, 57–64. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-66640-2_6
Balan, Sebastián & garcia-elias, Marc. (2008). Utility of the (*) in the invigoration of the musculature of the forearm. Hand surgery : an international journal devoted to hand and upper limb surgery and related research : journal of the Asia-Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand. 13. 79-83. 10.1142/S0218810408003955.
Theophilos, Pilianidis & Mantzouranis, Nikolaos & Berberidou, Fani & Smirniotoy, Athanasia & Proios, Miltiadis & MICHALOGLOU, KONSTANTINOS. (2016). Strength Training Protocols with the use of the (*) and (**) in Modderate Trained Women. Journal Biology of Exercise. 12. 111-120. 10.4127/jbe.2016.0103.
(*) Powerball (TM)
(**) Shakeweight (TM)
What is the course schedule?
Master a Gyroball is divided into two lessons, and an advaced module with demonstrations and important safety precautions. The exercises in each lesson are progressive in difficulty, so that you can build up your strength and skill gradually.
We recommend practicing each exercise for a few days before moving on to the next, to give your body time to adapt and gain the necessary strength and balance to displace the energy of the gyro ball to other muscle groups. Remember, mastering a gyroball takes time and dedication - it's not something that can be achieved overnight.
How long will it will take to master the movements?
The pace of learning will vary for each individual. At GyroBall Academy, we emphasize the importance of not skipping any steps in the training process. According to research on habit formation, it typically takes 21 days of consistent practice to become proficient in a new skill. However, we recommend taking a 4-day interval between each exercise to ensure proper progress and muscle development. Remember, mastering a gyroball is a journey and it's important to take the time to properly learn and perfect the movements.
How much should I practice per day?
As gyroballs exert force in an unnatural way, excess in practice can cause or worsen injuries. We recommend that you do not test this recommendation, and do not practice more than 5 minutes a day.
Already have a gyro ball?
That´s great! Get instanct and free access to the firts lectures. Decide later to access Lesson 2.