Ever since 'wristballs' were first introduced to the market in the 1970s, their use has always been restricted to people recovering from injuries or in seeking wrist and elbow strengthening. Well, we believe this is a small fraction of the possibilities of gyroballs. But how then have such benefits never been publicized before? Most often, we could attribute this to the past absence of measurement technology, or a lack of engagement with the device.
Here we look in detail at the causes of this perception and what has changed for us to say: gyroballs are about to occupy a place in the elite of upper limb resistance training.
1) A string to start with?
Until a few years ago, gyroballs worked only with strings to generate a minimal impulse in the core that exists inside each gadget. This impulse must be immediately followed by movements of our wrist, which maintains the rotations of the core.
Imagine teaching a child to ride a bicycle for the first time, but having to add another skill that is almost as new and difficult as pedaling? The same would (and does) happen to anyone who buys a gyroball that relies on a cord to be started.
There is nothing stopping anyone from 'getting over the cord'. In fact, it is quite easy, it just depends on the will to evolve. In the beggining, the gyroball will stop rotating a few times, and each time this happens the procedure of winding the cord and starting it must be repeated.
Today there are autostart devices that help both beginners and more advanced riders.
Other similarities with riding a bicycle include the need to maintain a consistent pace to avoid stopping, the circular motions, the ability to control intensity at high and low levels, the potential for improvement, the enhancement of dexterity and skill, and the strength and isometric work involved in both practices
Finally, just like riding a bicycle, mastering a gyroball is forever.
2) You have to use the non-dominant arm! At least much better then you can now.
In the old days, children in some schools were forced to use their right hand to write, even left-handed ones. It is not hard to imagine that handwriting lessons must have been terrifying for them. When we try, our minds don't seem to mesh with the non-dominant hand. It is frustrating. The blindness of the non-dominant hand is one of the barriers of gyroball.
To receive high levels of resistence from a gyroball, even with the 'strong' dominant limb, requires a few days of training. So this is the great dividing line between who will really engage in the practice and who will not not.
And what do you gain by using your non-dominant hand?
Besides the fun of the challenge and improved dexterity, neuroscience has made important discoveries.
One of them relates dexterity with the non-dominant hand to improved brain function!
Performing activities with your non-dominant hand, such as brushing your teeth, can improve brain fitness, according to the Alzheimer’s & Dementia Resource Center (ADRC). And, guess what, they say starting a new hobby is another tip for brain work.
Another study mentioned in this article concluded that even simple gestures, such as clenching a fist, cause responses on the opposite side of the brain, with benefits associated with memory and action.
If 'simply' clenching our fists causes such responses in the brain, what can we expect from gripping a spinning gyroball and receiving multidirectional resistance (up to 130 pounds per minute)?
Read about proprioception and gyroball in this article.
If the studies are true, when we relate the findings to each other, we can say that gyroball mastery by the non-dominant hand is an extremely beneficial diversion for the body and mind.
3) It's good for rehabilitation. That's bad...
There are some studies that prove the benefits of gyroball in recovering from wrist or elbow injuries. However, there are also drawbacks to this.
First of all, if someone only views the gyroball as a rehabilitation device, they will limit its potential use and benefits. A person who only uses it during physical therapy and then keeps it in a drawer is not fully utilizing the device's capabilities.
Additionally, there is currently a lack of consistent methodology for positioning the arms and shoulders in academic studies on gyroballs. These studies often focus on movements at the limit of strength, without fully exploring the device's potential.
Recent technology, such as measuring gyroball's rotations and force generated in real-time via an app, has not yet been widely used in studies. This means that gyroballs have yet to fully embrace technology and there is a huge room for improvement for rehab.
Finaly, it is important to note that the use of gyroballs can cause or worsen injuries if not used correctly. That's why it is important to follow the unique methodology of the GyroBall Academy and use it only for extreme isometrics and multidirectional training, therefore, for healthy people only.
4) Usage has been taught incompletely for years.
Take a look at the gyroball videos on the Internet. Rarely do 'reviewers' of the device show control with both arms. This means, at the very least, that the device has not been given a real chance.
Also, in most tutorials, very wide spins are performed with the fist, resulting in many unnecessary rotations. This can quickly lead to cramping and a lack of focus on other muscle groups.
The smartest way to work with gyroball is by starting with fast spins with the fist, and then gradually slowing down the pace and diameter of the spins.
An ideal momentum, when the force transmission becomes higher and more stable, will be easily perceived, as the work goes from 'dummy' to 'smart'.
The flow comes naturally. Learn more about how to trigger a gyroball and achieve the initial flow watching our free lessons.
To experience evolution, it will take a minimum of 21 days of training, even with some rest days. Less than that will be like sporadic training, which only tends to create discomfort in the tendons. Over the 21 days of practice, this discomfort is replaced by a gradual activation of those structures adjacent to muscles, in order to 'protect' the ligaments from this unprecedented effort, by adapting the molecular architecture of our smart internal tissues.
5) Ignorance regarding the benefits.
The first victory with a gyroball, which is the acquisition of control with the non-dominant hand, is an incredible task. It is precisely what we demand at the end of the first class, which has 3 exercises. Many times, the evolution is interrupted because of frustration, which is natural. Good new is that the progress can be gradual and fast!
There are also benefits in equalizing the strength and ability of both arms: both will be better trained, and their tendons ready for complex, precision, or gross efforts. Recent findings on gyroball conclude that the device is capable of increasing proprioception.
Muscles are worked at different dimensions than usual, without impact, complementing stretching, weight work, and concentric actions.
Finally, GyroBall Academy's unique methodology makes it possible for the benefits to include varied muscle groups, meaning that everything that has been taught and practiced about gyroball is outdated, because the focus is only on wrists and elbows.
6) Popeye arms in just 4 minutes a day? Don't believe the hype (or do you?)
We've all heard the legends of gyroballs giving you forearms like Popeye the Sailor, but is it really possible? According to retired Navy SEAL Dr. Chris Sajnog, a Master Training Specialist in the United States Navy, it just might be true.
But hold on, what about the '4 minutes only' myth? Well, it turns out that's true too. A few minutes of daily practice can activate your muscles and keep them activated with increased frequency and mastery. But beware, overdoing it can lead to pain and improper shoulder positioning. So, don't believe everything you hear, but maybe believe in the power of gyroballs to give you Popeye-worthy arms.
7) Unlock the Power of Variable Resistance with Vibration Training.
You may have heard of vibration therapy as a modern invention, but ancient civilizations have been harnessing the power of vibration for thousands of years. From the 432 Hz vibrations of the mantra OM in ancient India to NASA's use of vibration therapy to prevent bone loss in space travelers, vibration training has been proven to improve muscle strength and physical performance in older adults, and even aid in the recovery from chronic fatigue.
But what sets the GyroBall Academy's methodology apart is our focus on variable resistance. According to PHD John Jaquish, traditional resistance exercises may not be effective for 'ordinary' people to build muscle effectively.
Our methods are also based on variable resistance, vibration and 'smart' workout sets. And the creator of the method was able to overcome significant strength deficit in his shoulder ligaments, which was the reason for two successful surgeries.
But be warned, our training requires relevant cardio-pulmonary effort and you must be in good health to exercise.
So, if you're ready to take your fitness to the next level and unlock the power of variable resistance, GyroBall Academy is here to help!
The conclusion of this 2023 opening article is that the perception of gyroballs has changed due to advancements in technology and a deeper understanding of the benefits they offer. The use of strings is no longer necessary, progress and evolution can be accurately tracked, and the full range of benefits is only just beginning to be explored through our practice, teaching, and research efforts.
Another conclusion is that the era of resistance, vibration, and balance exercises is just beginning, and there are many possible applications for these types of exercises.
Therefore, for gyroballs, powerballs, and wristballs, there are two moments: before and after the Gyrobull Academy.
We appreciate your interest in learning about gyroballs, an inexpensive and fascinating fitness gadget. Our goal is to spread this knowledge to teachers and students in order to enrich their practice.
Take advantage of free access and get into a healthy and fun habit to become much stronger, more confident and active.